Home » Where Love Leads Us [Ch.6] [JJsworld]

Where Love Leads Us [Ch.6] [JJsworld]

Download for Windows/ Linux - Chapters 1-3

Download for Windows/ Linux - Chapters 4 Revision

Download for Windows/ Linux - Chapters 5

Download for Windows/ Linux - Chapters 6

Download for Windows/ Linux - Chapters 7

Download for Mac - Chapters 1-3

Download for Mac - Chapters 4 Revision

Download for Mac - Chapters 5

Download for Mac - Chapters 6

Download for Mac - Chapters 7

Download for Android - Chapters 1-5

(don’t try to load any save file that was not created with this “complete” version! you would only get error messages, so these files are marked as incompatible and cannot be loaded.)

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • The narrative of "Slave Lord" has certainly undergone a transformation since its inception. After engaging with the game at various stages, I've noticed commendable improvements in the storyline. The English localization, while not flawless, has undeniably progressed. However, the tale itself remains a work in progress, showing promise but not yet reaching its full potential. The inclusion of a diverse cast of characters is intriguing, catering to varying preferences, albeit with some room for growth. The unfolding narrative holds enough intrigue to keep players invested, but refinement could elevate this score further.
  • In the realm of aesthetics, "Slave Lord" exhibits competence without attaining excellence. The art and renders are serviceable, yet there's an evident scope for enhancement. The developer's choice to sidestep conventional depictions deserves credit, and a nod to more modest forms. However, a more robust visual appeal could amplify player immersion and emotional resonance. The game's potential shines through but lacks that extra flair that truly captivates players.
  • The game's ability to engage players has both peaks and valleys. As a kinetic novel, it relinquishes choices, which might be a deal-breaker for some. Nevertheless, "Slave Lord" manages to weave moments of captivation through its evolving characters and evolving scenarios. Some interactions feel a tad unnatural, yet the potential for engaging experiences remains evident. Balancing engagement throughout the narrative would elevate the overall experience, garnering deeper player investment.
  • The core loop of "Slave Lord" exhibits a somewhat uneven cadence. The inclusion of explicit scenes, while common in this genre, sometimes feels gratuitous rather than integral to the storyline. Striking the right balance between adult content and narrative coherence can enhance the core loop. A more seamless integration of these elements could result in a more immersive and captivating experience.
Story - 4.7
Graphics - 7.5
Engagement - 5.1
Core Loop - 3.9

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