Home » We Are Lost [v0.4.4] [MaDDoG]

We Are Lost [v0.4.4] [MaDDoG]

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This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - In the realm of "We Are Lost," the story unfolds like a scripted suspense thriller that leaves us hanging, but not always in the most satisfying way. Set against the backdrop of a seemingly spontaneous family trip gone awry, the premise does hold a glimmer of intrigue. However, as the story progresses through these weekly micro-updates, it becomes evident that the pacing lacks direction. There's potential for mystery and drama, but the execution falls short of creating a truly captivating narrative. The tale, though set in intriguing scenarios, is hampered by a lack of meaningful progression and depth. - 39%
  • Visual - On the visual front, "We Are Lost" exhibits a blend of competence and mediocrity. The character renders and settings show promise, but there's a noticeable discrepancy between the amount of content and its impact. The use of animation, while limited, does add a touch of dynamism. However, the developers might benefit from refining their art to create more visually engaging environments that truly immerse players in the experience. - 58%
  • Engagement - This is where "We Are Lost" stumbles the most. Engagement should be the lifeblood of any game, but here, it feels like an afterthought. The micro-updates, though frequent, contribute to a disjointed and often unsatisfying gameplay experience. The lack of meaningful choices and interactions, especially in a game heavily centered around dialogue, makes engagement feel more like an obligatory task than a genuine connection with the characters and their world. - 27%
  • Core Loop - A game's core loop should be its beating heart, the aspect that draws players back for more. Sadly, "We Are Lost" struggles to establish a compelling core loop. The repetitive nature of the micro-updates dampens any sense of progression or achievement. The lack of variety in interactions and outcomes hampers the game's potential for longevity. - 19%
Story - 3.9
Graphics - 5.8
Engagement - 2.7
Core Loop - 1.9

1 Comment

  1. Super I like it. Dont stop bro.


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