Home » Tomie Wants to Get Married Expansion [v1.3801] [Final][Ollane]

Tomie Wants to Get Married Expansion [v1.3801] [Final][Ollane]

Download for Windows

Download for Windows - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Windows - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Mac - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Linux

Download for Linux - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Linux - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Android

Download for Android - Play As Yumi! - Standalone mini game mode

Download for Android - Play As William! - Standalone mini game mode

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Saves

Extract it into game folder

Please Note:- 

However, when using this save file, there is a bug in which certain events with Sungold in Samdai are repeatedly conducted.
Decline Sungold’s offer as points allow, then proceed with the routine.

Download Blackmail Mod


Add 7 blackmail events


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file.


Download NightVisit1


Add some Nightvisit events related to rape.


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file
(The installation method is slightly different from the previous version, so please check it)

Download violate1


This mod replaces the Violate scene censored by Ollane


For installation instructions, refer to the readme in the compressed file
(The installation method is slightly different from the previous version, so please check it)


For endings, ending conditions, and menu unlock conditions, see the Tips&Hints
(You can access Tips from the title or from the pop-up menu that appears when you press the ESC key)
Cheat menu (accessible by phone item in inventory)
On the board game screen, you can play the game using the Roll button at the bottom
You can save after a day passes
In the setting menu, you can set the resolution of the game, the speed of text, and the volume
I recommend you to speed up the message speed
I do not recommend changing font type and font size because all text sizes and fonts have not been tested enough
If the game is slow in the android version, set the graphic setting to ‘very low’ in Settings
The game is optimized for a 16:9 ratio resolution
Problems with other resolutions will be improved over time
Higher attractiveness, pheromones, corruption lead to more diverse event
Lower reputation lead to more diverse event

Shortcut keys
L-Ctrl : Skip
A : Toggle Auto
L : Show backlog
Space bar, Enter : continue
Tab : Toggle UI (But use the right side of the button in Animated H-Scene)
ESC : Popup menu
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 7
Graphics - 8.3
Engagement - 6.3
Core Loop - 7.9

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