Home » The Taming of the Brat [v1][Final] [Viitgames]

The Taming of the Brat [v1][Final] [Viitgames]

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Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.thetamingofthebrat”

– You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time.
– On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission.
Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.

Download Mod

Mod features:
Mod features:
– additional background music for the game, adapted to the scenes (can be switched to the original an dback while playing)
– a music jukebox for playing the tracks manually
– MC renaming function
– additional game setting (change/adjust dialog text font, size, outlines, text background, game quick menu)
– toggle the character side image
– a shortcut key for my Mod menu (“Shift” + “k”)
– new with v0.05: added the game variable to my Mod (but cheating is not needed so far)
– new since v0.10: a walkthrough and WT+ hints (activate it by pressing the walkthrough button again in my Mod menu)
– new since v0.45: RePlay, a scene replay/gallery function
– new since v0.65: named saves
– new since v0.80: second Mod variant without additional music track

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Download Walkthrough

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 7.5
Graphics - 8
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 7.7


  1. Awful. I was excited to play this because I liked Haley’s Story (despite the horrible ending). It feels like there was no effort put into making this visual novel good.

  2. Garbage. Don’t bother.

  3. Please stop updating this VN. It sucks.

  4. So, I read all the bad reviews, but decided to play anyway.

    I should have listened to the bad reviews. 🤦🏻‍♂️

    This is all the boring parts of Shakespeare’s play, The Taming of the Shrew, but without the added benefit of being ACTUALLY entertaining to read. This was boring. Very few choices, and the ones that are there, mean nothing. Which begs the question, why have any choices at all? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    The artistry and scene setup aren’t very well done. Which wouldn’t be so bad, if the story could make up for it, but it didn’t.

    This VN was a disappointment, all around. Boring writing, coupled with lousy graphics, makes this adult VN less enjoyable than Shakespear’s non-adult play. I like to add something positive to a critique, but I couldn’t think of anything. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Your time is precious, don’t waste it on this.


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