Home » The Null Hypothesis [v0.4b] [Ron Chon]

The Null Hypothesis [v0.4b] [Ron Chon]

Saves from v0.2 will not work with v0.3+
SHA256 67CE4B35BAA1245556C0B60462425C1047D8297513301A6792C480F05E0502C2

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

View Console Command

Found some console command to make the grind more bearable (hopefully the dev won’t change the code on each update :p )

(replace Rogue with Laura or Jean)
I’ve added 9000 but the quest will lock you at a certain number until you finish each quests, which will reward you with a higher cap

(replace none with bush, growing, hairy, null, shaven, strip or triangle)
Rogue.piercings[“nipple”] =”ring”
replace “ring” with “False” or “barbell”
replace “nipple” with “labia” or “belly”

 just increasing the level throught cheats doesn’t give any [extra points]

I’ve added 5 as to not encounter noclip issue

Those code work but I’m not sure what they do or how they show a difference in the game:

still trying to find the code to enable sex and anal
I’ve added 3 as to not encounter noclip issue

Adjust the 4 different squares:

1st slot:
Laura.status[‘miffed’] = 1
Laura.status[‘mad’] = 1
3rd slot:
Laura.status[‘heartbroken’] = 1
2nd slot:
Laura.status[‘horny’] = 1
no slot:
Laura.status[‘nympho’] = 0

Make the girl at ease with being naked:
best to follow these steps first

  1. open wardrobe
  2. set the outfit you want her to have
  3. open the console and launch the command then exit the console
  4. (optional) save the outfit
^Not worth testing since it will be cancelled after a scene changes and the game checks the current outfit again

oh and message to the dev. Please consider these features
  • re-enable the function to skip text , simply holding ctrl or tab should work like it does with all renpy games
  • reduce the time it takes when navigating the cellphone
  • reduce the amount of white colors in backgrounds. Too many dark-coloured rooms and characters in contrast with brightly-coloured background are hurting my eyes
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The Null Hypothesis is an intriguing game that takes inspiration from Rogue-like Revolution while infusing it with a romantic twist. The developers have managed to create well-defined personalities for the main characters, giving them depth and distinctiveness, despite some underlying stereotypes. One notable improvement over its source material is the introduction of story progression checkpoints, which keep the narrative flowing smoothly. - 82%
  • Visual - Visually, The Null Hypothesis excels in capturing the essence of the X-Men universe with its comic book-inspired art style.The visuals truly evoke the nostalgic vibes of the X-Men comics and movies.Overall, the game delivers a pleasing and visually appealing presentation. - 87%
  • Engagement - The Null Hypothesis presents a romantic twist on the Rogue-like Revolution formula, which can engage players looking for a deeper narrative and character development. The dating system, while not flawless, allows players to build meaningful connections and relationships with the girls in the game. The activities of spending time together, training, and studying contribute to the immersive experience, making players feel more involved in the story. - 71%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of The Null Hypothesis revolves around deepening the romantic connections with the girls and exploring the protagonist's hidden powers. Players unlock new actions and progress through the romantic storylines as they establish genuine connections. Checkpoints provide a sense of progression and keep the narrative moving forward. - 58%
Story - 8.2
Graphics - 8.7
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 5.8


  1. where is storm? I want storm! give us more tattoo and sexy clothes and Drugs…. whore business !!!

  2. sex part it’s so bad for me


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