Home » Sinners Landing [0.3.0b] [Flexible Media]

Sinners Landing [0.3.0b] [Flexible Media]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

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Extract the memory files directly into your save files folder and then open Spank Bank from the main menu to access the memory files. We’ve also added a quick.sav file from last build’s content.

Location of save files folder
Windows: %USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/FlexibleMedia/Sinners Landing
OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/FlexibleMedia/Sinners Landing
Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/unity3d/FlexibleMedia/Sinners Landing
Android (v11): Phone Storage > Android > data > com.flexiblemedia.SinnersLanding > files

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The storyline in Sinners Landing is a seductive concoction that keeps you invested from start to finish. With plot twists and turns that are as unexpected as a sudden storm at sea, the story manages to strike a delicate balance between silliness and coherence. You'll encounter a cast of characters who are quick to yearn for the protagonist's affections, and their motivations are presented in a believable manner. - 87%
  • Visual - The artwork in Sinners Landing is nothing short of excellent. With attention to detail that rivals the finest craftsmanship, the visuals bring the characters and their naughty adventures to life. The aesthetics suit the game's theme perfectly, immersing you in a world where desire and pleasure know no boundaries. While graphical glitches are an occasional annoyance overall, it's a visually delightful. - 82%
  • Engagement - Engagement is where Sinners Landing shines, thanks to its strong gameplay mechanics and card-based combat system. Unlike many other visual novels, this game offers a tremendous sense of agency and control, empowering you to shape the narratives and outcomes. The tantalizing puzzles, like the mermaid puzzle, add a layer of depth and challenge, bringing a refreshing change to the genre. - 88%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Sinners Landing offers an addictive experience that keeps you sailing further into the game's enticing world. With a mix of exploration, conversation, and combat, there's always something new to discover, whether it's unlocking character backgrounds, leveling up, or acquiring combat cards. However, there are a few minor issues such as quests not unlocking areas as expected and occasional glitches. - 82%
Story - 8.7
Graphics - 8.2
Engagement - 8.8
Core Loop - 8.2

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