Home » Of Birds and Bees [v0.7 ] [DiscipleOfVirginia]

Of Birds and Bees [v0.7 ] [DiscipleOfVirginia]

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Android

IMPORTANT Instructions:

  1. Download the APK:

    https://qiwi.gg/file/svQx8709-com https://mega.nz/file/mABi2CrB#GKK5N2mPc6OD0yTrBSQiWJkZ_gvn-dhylzn2ipzrMO0 Size 132 MB

  2. Install the apk and run it once.

If you are upgrading and you already have the RPA file you can stop here.

  1. Download the RPA file:

    https://qiwi.gg/file/oCXk8667-archive https://pixeldrain.com/u/3g7sTvxf Size 2.40 GB

  1. Move the RPA file to the game directory on your phone: Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.ofbirdsandbees/game The file MUST be named: archive.0.7.rpa
  1. Restart the game and enjoy.

Appreciate my porting? Leave a Tip! You’re supporting my efforts, paying for storage, and encouraging more ports! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/estrada777 OR https://www.patreon.com/estrada777 or even https://mega.nz/aff=HVQmdWSgRx0

Usual Features:
* Touch Gestures (menu, hide, skip, rollback, skip, fast-skip, performance, console)
* Medium Compression (Image / Video / Audio)
* Video Hardware Acceleration / Powersaver
* Quick Menu Toggle (standard,icons,disable)
* Quick Menu Customize
* Text Size Zoom
* Text Box Opacity
* Transparent/Default/Dev’s Text Box (optional)
* Accessibility options
* Optional named saves
* Customizable text borders
* Sliders for text size, opacity and sprint size
* User mod compatible: on your phone, copy mod’s .rpy or .rpyc file(s) into /Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.gamename/game/
* Dual save locations (Standard + Documents/RenPy_Saves) that will not be deleted when uninstalling
!Grant storage permissions on first run!

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Like a carnival sideshow, "Of Birds and Bees" introduces you to a story that feels like a fusion of contrasting worlds. At first glance, the narrative may come across as an odd concoction of horror elements and a vivid exploration of intimacy. As the protagonist navigates her path through life's intricate maze, you'll encounter moments that range from genuinely chilling to intriguingly titillating. - 72%
  • Visual - In the visual department, "Of Birds and Bees" weaves a tapestry of atmospheres, captured through the lens of its artistry. The visuals, reminiscent of a vividly painted canvas, contribute greatly to the game's identity. From the eerily lit corridors to the intimate spaces where connections are forged, each scene is a testament to the creators' dedication. - 81%
  • Engagement - When it comes to engagement, "Of Birds and Bees" is a game of highs and lows, much like the tumultuous ride of its own narrative. The music creates an atmosphere that's equally enchanting and haunting, pulling you further into the labyrinthine corridors of the protagonist's experiences. - 66%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of "Of Birds and Bees" is akin to a carousel of choices and consequences, each turn offering a glimpse into the shades of human desires and fears. Yet, this carousel sometimes loses its rhythm, leaving you disoriented amidst the whirl of decisions. - 58%
Story - 7.2
Graphics - 8.1
Engagement - 6.6
Core Loop - 5.8

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