Home » My Little Angel [v1.06] [Feodosiy]

My Little Angel [v1.06] [Feodosiy]

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Download for Android - v1.0f

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Gallery Mod

1. Copy patch.rpa into: MLA1.0f-market\game
2. Confirm to overwrite the already existing ‘patch.rpa’ file in the folder.
[Make sure the filename is patch.rpa]

How to use:
Start the game, play the prologue until your in the new office.
Click the door – Click CHEAT
For unlocking gallery, click OPEN GALLERY – Go back to main menu and into the gallery from there.

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The narrative of "My Little Angel" sets off on a quirky adventure, filled with intriguing twists and a dash of humor. It follows the journey of our protagonist, navigating through the realm of playful training and blossoming relationships. While the premise holds promise, it sometimes stumbles with minor bugs in dialogues and event triggers. The story's potential feels untapped, like a hidden treasure waiting to be uncovered. The multiple paths it offers and the amusingly detailed world-building elements add layers of charm. - 69%
  • Visual - Visually, "My Little Angel" flaunts hand-drawn artwork that draws you into its universe. The characters are cute, and the animated scenes are a visual treat. Yet, as you venture further, the scenes can start to feel repetitive, and the absence of certain content (like lesbian interactions) can be a bit disappointing. The attention to detail in certain areas, though, is commendable. With a dash more variety and depth in the visuals, this game could truly shine. - 89%
  • Engagement - Engaging gameplay mechanics are sprinkled throughout, contributing to a dynamic experience. However, the forced paper filing minigame becomes an unintended annoyance. Its frequent appearances disrupt the flow and feel detached from the overarching engagement. Balancing the pace and offering more varied interactions could elevate the engagement factor substantially. The slow progression of in-game time also deserves attention, as it occasionally makes waiting feel tedious. - 84%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of "My Little Angel" takes players through a world of possibilities, but there's a sense of untapped potential lingering. While there are multiple paths and choices, the overarching structure often steers you along a single chain of events, limiting the sense of freedom. This can lead to a somewhat linear experience, despite the appearance of an open sandbox. The game's mechanics, though deeper than most, have the potential to be even more engaging. - 87%
Story - 6.9
Graphics - 8.9
Engagement - 8.4
Core Loop - 8.7

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