Home » Monster College [v0.8.4] [Monster Eye Games]

Monster College [v0.8.4] [Monster Eye Games]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough Mod + Gallery Unlocker


– Show variables for choices
– Botch scene choices
– Gallery Unlocker


Unzip the mod, put the ‘game’ folder into ‘Monster-College-{Version}-pc” and overwrite if needed.
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - In the whimsical world of "Monster College," players embark on a supernatural journey through the hallowed halls of a monster-filled educational institution. The story sets the stage for thrilling encounters with various creatures, each with their own unique quirks and personalities. As you navigate the college's mysterious lore and engage in intriguing dialogues, you'll uncover secrets and forge unexpected alliances. However, while the concept is intriguing, the execution of the story falls short of its potential. The narrative lacks depth and fails to fully immerse players in its captivating world. With further character development and more intricate plotlines, the story of "Monster College" could truly shine. - 65%
  • Visual - Visually, "Monster College" showcases a delightful mix of creativity and artistic design. The character designs are imaginative, bringing the diverse array of monsters to life in vibrant and captivating ways. The environments and backgrounds are visually appealing, creating an immersive college atmosphere filled with whimsy and charm. However, the game could benefit from more attention to detail and consistency in art quality throughout. The animations, while generally satisfactory, could be improved to enhance the fluidity and expressiveness of the characters. Overall, "Monster College" offers an enjoyable visual experience that captures the essence of its monster-filled setting. - 75%
  • Engagement - Engaging players is crucial for a captivating gaming experience, and "Monster College" does a commendable job in this regard. The game presents players with meaningful choices and opportunities for exploration within the college's supernatural world. The dialogues are witty and entertaining, often accompanied by humorous interactions that keep players eagerly anticipating the next comedic twist. Additionally, the inclusion of side quests and activities adds depth and replayability to the gameplay. However, there are instances where the pacing feels uneven, and certain sections may lack the same level of engagement. With further fine-tuning, "Monster College" has the potential to provide an even more captivating experience. - 80%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of "Monster College" revolves around interacting with characters, making choices, and navigating the challenges of college life in a monster-filled world. The game offers a variety of quests, puzzles, and social encounters that keep players engaged and curious about what lies ahead. The choices made throughout the game have a noticeable impact on the story, providing a sense of agency and personalization. However, some aspects of the core loop could benefit from additional depth and complexity. Introducing more diverse gameplay mechanics and incorporating consequences tied to player decisions would elevate the core loop and make it even more compelling. - 70%
Story - 6.5
Graphics - 7.5
Engagement - 8
Core Loop - 7


  1. Awesome. Just, awesome!

  2. I love this game. There are so many characters, and the animations are really good.


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