Home » Memoirs of a Battle Brothel [v1.08] [A Memory of Eternity]

Memoirs of a Battle Brothel [v1.08] [A Memory of Eternity]

Download for Windows/ Linux

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Memoirs of a Battle Brothel beckons with the promise of an immersive cyberpunk narrative, but alas, it falters in its execution.The storytelling is certainly ambitious, with a complex web of factions, wars, and crime lurking in the background. However, it throws players headfirst into this intricate universe without much guidance or motivation. - 51%
  • Visual - The visuals of Memoirs of a Battle Brothel are a mixed bag. On one hand, the pixel art is a nostalgic nod to older cyberpunk games, which is a nice touch for those who appreciate retro aesthetics. However, it fails to deliver the wow factor one might expect from a game with such a promising premise. The scenes are pixelated and low-quality, which doesn't do justice to the effort put into other mechanics like base upgrades and tactical combat. - 55%
  • Engagement - Engagement is where Memoirs of a Battle Brothel falters the most. The combat system is undeniably slow, making tactical positioning a tedious ordeal. The requirement to manually turn characters after each round feels more like an annoyance than a strategic element and the clunky controls, which hinder the overall gaming experience. - 38%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Memoirs of a Battle Brothel is marred by its slow-paced combat, lackluster H-content, and frustrating controls. It attempts to blend tactical gameplay with adult content, but the execution leaves much to be desired. The promise of managing a brothel is largely unfulfilled, and the game doesn't effectively integrate H-interactions into its core gameplay. - 44%
Story - 5.1
Graphics - 5.5
Engagement - 3.8
Core Loop - 4.4

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