Home » Love and Temptation [Ep.3 S2] [GruBoop]

Love and Temptation [Ep.3 S2] [GruBoop]

Download for Windows/ Linux - Season 1

Download for Windows/ Linux - Season 2

Download for Mac - Season 1 (Ep.3)

Download for Mac - Season 2

Download for Android - Season 1

Download for Android - Season 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Incest Patch

feature: Slightly changed the intro. Mc and Ayame refer to Miyuki as Mom.

install: Unzip to the “game” folder.

Download Mod - Season 1

Installation :
Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in the main game folder.
Overwrite files if required.

Download Cheat Mod


The Mod adds a Cheats Menu. (Pic 2) (Season 1 & 2)
Change the MC name in the Cheats Menu. (Pic 2) (Season 1 & 2)
You can change the Text Size and the Text Box Transparency. (Pic 1) (Season 1)


PC/MAC: Merge/Replace with the “game” folder.

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The narrative of "Love and Temptation" dances on a tightrope between mundane and absurd, leaving players scratching their heads and wondering what direction the story will take. From disjointed dialogues to characters evolving randomly without reason, the storytelling feels like a rollercoaster of questionable decisions and missed opportunities. - 34%
  • Visual - Visually, "Love and Temptation" shines with its impressive character models and fluid animations. The attention to detail in character designs, especially with a focus on curvier aesthetics, adds a layer of allure to the game. However, the shift in quality between seasons raises eyebrows, with noticeable dips in rendering quality and inconsistencies in art style. - 66%
  • Engagement - Engagement with "Love and Temptation" proves to be a bumpy ride, with short episodes leaving players yearning for more substance and depth. The lack of continuity between seasons adds confusion and disrupts the flow of gameplay, making it challenging to stay fully immersed in the narrative. While the game offers tantalizing moments and provocative scenes, the overall experience feels lacking in substance. - 42%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of "Love and Temptation" struggles to find its footing, meandering between moments of excitement and periods of utter confusion. The game's tendency to veer off into nonsensical tangents detracts from any semblance of a coherent gameplay experience. Players may find themselves grappling with the erratic nature of character interactions, often feeling disconnected from the overarching storyline. - 27%
Story - 3.4
Graphics - 6.6
Engagement - 4.2
Core Loop - 2.7

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