Home » Light of My Life [Ch. 7 v0.7.1] [Naughty Road]

Light of My Life [Ch. 7 v0.7.1] [Naughty Road]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

All Intimate Path (Chapters 1-5 + Extras): 25 Hours 17 Minutes 04 Seconds
Caretaker Path (Chapters 1-5 + Extras): 17 Hours 46 Minutes 41 Seconds
Videos for Chapter 6 still to come

Extras (link):

  • HMD Cuddlefish – 0:09:18 (116.16 MB)
  • Macy & Denise Command Performance – 0:03:39 (19.99 MB)
  • Maeci & Denycia 2069 BC – 0:08:19 (98.56 MB)

Introduction Chapters (link):

  • Chapter 1 – 2:15:05 (683.65 MB)
  • Chapter 2
    • Part 1 – 2:42:28 (1.00 GB)
    • Part 2 – 2:30:36 (919.70 MB)
Harem Path
(intimate with all eligible women)
Caretaker Path
(intimate with Brooke & the Coven, only)
  • Chapter 3 (link)
    • Part 1 – 1:59:25 (841.60 MB)
    • Part 2 – 2:52:22 (1.06 GB)
  • Chapter 4 (link)
    • Part 1 – 2:38:52 (1.05 GB)
    • Part 2 – 3:07:43 (1.04 GB)
  • Chapter 5 (link)
    • Part 1 – 2:32:12 (961.06 MB)
    • Part 2 – 2:20:47 (988.12 MB)
    • Part 3 – 1:56:18 (837.88 MB)
  • Chapter 6 (link) – still to come
    • Parts
  • Chapter 3 (link)
    • Part 1 – 1:33:56 (659.16 MB)
    • Part 2 – 1:36:29 (624.86 MB)
  • Chapter 4 (link)
    • Part 1 – 1:26:08 (601.36 MB)
    • Part 2 – 1:45:28 (626.19 MB)
  • Chapter 5 (link)
    • Part 1 – 1:34:39 (624.02 MB)
    • Part 2 – 0:49:27 (462.62 MB)
    • Part 3 – 1:11:09 (446.79 MB)
  • Chapter 6 (link) – still to come
    • Parts
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 8.8
Graphics - 9.1
Engagement - 8.2
Core Loop - 8.7

1 Comment

  1. The models are a turn off, and the story is ridiculous, that I found myself rolling my eyes every 2 minutes of reading.


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