Home » Lewd Delivery [Final] [Eromantis]

Lewd Delivery [Final] [Eromantis]

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  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The narrative of "Lewd Delivery" sets the stage for lustful liaisons in an oh-so-ordinary setting. Our protagonist, a delivery person with an unexpectedly saucy side hustle, ventures forth into homes and hearts (and other places). The story is akin to an erotic novella, with its emphasis on unabashedly steamy encounters. While the storytelling may lack the complexity of a Shakespearean sonnet, it's the whimsical flirting that keeps you engaged. - 72%
  • Visual - One cannot deny that "Lewd Delivery" has a certain charm in its visuals. The illustrations might not rival museum masterpieces, but they do provide a teasing glimpse into the desires of the characters. While it doesn't reinvent the artistry of intimacy, it gets the job done, maintaining an appropriate balance between explicitness and suggestion. - 58%
  • Engagement - Engagement, ah, the delicate dance of captivating your audience. "Lewd Delivery" succeeds in making you feel like a part of the risqué rendezvous, but it stumbles in maintaining a consistent level of interest. The lack of choices could be likened to watching a movie instead of controlling the narrative yourself. However, the flirty banter and playful exchanges do sprinkle a healthy dose of excitement into the mix. - 65%
  • Core Loop - Here, alas, lies the crux of the matter. The core loop, that inexorable rhythm that keeps players coming back for more. While the initial allure of indulgence and taboo might captivate, the game falls into a pattern that could be compared to a predictable playlist. Vanilla, indeed. The lack of diverse interactions and outcomes can lead to a sense of repetitiveness that dampens the desire for extended playtime. - 50%
Story - 7.2
Graphics - 5.8
Engagement - 6.5
Core Loop - 5

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