Home » Leaving DNA [Ep. 3] [Impious Monk]

Leaving DNA [Ep. 3] [Impious Monk]

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Download for Android + Mod

Usage additional swipe commandos:
– Swipe left: back
– Swipe right: skip
– Swipe up: main menu
– Swipe down: hide


The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: “(your device)\Documents\ RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.leavingdna”

– You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time.
– On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission.
Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.


Download Walkthrough

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Prepare to be spellbound by the superb storytelling in "Leaving DNA." Set in the world of crime investigation and conspiracy, the narrative takes you on a roller coaster ride of suspense and intrigue. Unlike other VNs, this one steers clear of flashy superhuman elements and instead grounds itself in a believable and relatable reality. The character design is top-notch, with each individual bearing their human flaws and demons, making them feel genuine and lifelike. The story weaves a masterful tale of mystery and deception, with every dialogue and interaction brilliantly written. Whether you're into crime investigation themes or simply love a well-crafted plot, "Leaving DNA" easily ranks among the top VNs in its storytelling prowess. - 97%
  • Visual - Feast your eyes upon the stunning renders in "Leaving DNA." The facial expressions are intense, effectively conveying emotions and keeping you engrossed in every moment. While not reaching absolute perfection, the visuals are undeniably impressive, creating an immersive experience. The character designs, especially that of the teddy bear girl and military girl, stand out with their uniqueness and attention to detail. The user interface is efficient and complements the overall aesthetic appeal. With a few minor tweaks, the visuals could reach even greater heights, but as they stand, they are commendable and engaging. - 88%
  • Engagement - Get ready for a game that truly knows how to engage its players! "Leaving DNA" excels at keeping you immersed with its well-crafted core loop. The gameplay involves crime investigation and conspiracy unraveling, hooking players from the get-go. The core loop revolves around playing, earning resources, and upgrading, creating a rewarding experience that releases a wave of dopamine. This cycle of engagement and progression forms a habit, ensuring players keep coming back for more thrilling adventures. The game's balanced approach to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, along with its captivating narrative, keeps players riveted throughout their playtime. - 93%
  • Core Loop - Ah, the heartbeat of "Leaving DNA" lies in its well-designed core loop. As players embark on crime investigation and conspiracy unraveling, they become deeply engrossed in the core gameplay. The game rewards them with resources after each successful play, creating a cycle of play, get, and upgrade. These upgrades then aid players in their future endeavors, motivating them to explore the game's world even further. This seamless loop of gameplay and progression ignites a desire for more, forming a strong habit of returning for more adventures. - 90%
Story - 9.7
Graphics - 8.8
Engagement - 9.3
Core Loop - 9

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