Home » Journey into Sissyhood [v0.9.0] [OnlyANoob]

Journey into Sissyhood [v0.9.0] [OnlyANoob]

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  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Regrettably, the story of Journey into Sissyhood is its weakest aspect. Some users have rightly compared its pacing to the lethargic crawl of snails. The narrative lacks depth and fails to engage players beyond the superficial aspects of sissy transformation. It lacks character development, leaving the cast feeling one-dimensional and the dialogue clumsily written.
  • While the art style in Journey into Sissyhood doesn't reach the level of revulsion, it falls short of achieving an immersive and visually engaging experience. The strange mixture of photographic source material and heavy filtering/tracing leaves players perplexed. It appears torn between embracing either realism or fantasy, ultimately undercutting the visual appeal of both.
  • Engagement is crucial for any game, and unfortunately, Journey into Sissyhood struggles to keep players invested. A lack of engaging gameplay mechanics paired with a slow narrative contributes to the difficulty in maintaining player interest.
  • The concept of hypno-fueled sissy-tests holds promise as an intriguing gameplay mechanic, but it fails to salvage the overall experience. It lacks a cohesive core loop that propels players forward. Instead, it relies heavily on a repetitive cycle of sexual encounters, devoid of meaningful choices or consequences. This monotonous loop greatly diminishes the potential for an engaging virtual novel.
Story - 4.7
Graphics - 6.2
Engagement - 5.4
Core Loop - 4.1

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