Home » iNSight of you [v1.0][Final] [AdventAnyx]

iNSight of you [v1.0][Final] [AdventAnyx]

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1. Download the 1.0 APK: *  104 MiB

2. Install the apk and run it once. If you are updating (and you already have the RPA in place) you may stop here.

3. Download the RPA file (NOTE – if you already have the RPA file you don’t have to download it again): * https://pixeldrain.com/u/VgFGhCFg * https://mega.nz/file/bZZyxR4Z#JgaMQtJTr8DBX0XH8uu18v67Vu60wthVxTbRHHIUF9M 2.11 GiB

4. Move the RPA file to the game directory on your phone: Documents/Renpy_Saves/com.estrada777.insightofyou/game The file MUST be named: archive.0.13.rpa

5. Restart the game and enjoy. Appreciate my porting? Leave a Tip! You’re supporting my efforts, paying for storage, and encouraging more ports!

Download Gallery Unlocker


Gallery unlock, should work across any version, to use download the file as a .rpy into the game’s `game` folder (click on the attachment, press Ctrl+s, select the All files (*.*) entry from the file type dropdown and after that remove .txt from the file name)

It looks like the gallery also wasn’t updated and is blocked when progressed into new content, you can use the fix_gallery.rpy file to fix that – but it won’t update the gallery variables with the game’s new values, so the unlocker needs to be used if routes that are in the gallery were progressed and you want to view them
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 8.7
Graphics - 8.8
Engagement - 5.5
Core Loop - 7.9

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