Home » Immoral Stories Rebecca [v1.7.0 Ep. 07] [GGG33]

Immoral Stories Rebecca [v1.7.0 Ep. 07] [GGG33]

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  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Immoral Stories Rebecca tantalizes players with its dark, controversial narrative, which explores themes of blackmail and corruption. The story is engaging and well-written, drawing players into the complex world of its protagonist, Rebecca. The game's premise, while provocative, is undeniably thought-provoking. However, it leaves room for improvement in terms of pacing. - 73%
  • Visual - One area where Immoral Stories Rebecca truly shines is in its visuals. The renders are of high quality, and the main character model, Rebecca, stands out as a well-designed and detailed creation. While the facial expressions do not always align perfectly with the emotions of the scenes, they avoid the over-the-top exaggerations seen in many adult games. This restraint contributes to a more immersive experience. However, a lack of animations hampers the game's potential to fully captivate players visually. - 84%
  • Engagement - Immoral Stories Rebecca offers engagement that teeters on the edge of being truly captivating. The provocative storyline keeps players intrigued, but the absence of meaningful consequences for choices and the brevity of sex scenes prevent the game from reaching its full potential. The world within the game feels somewhat confined and could benefit from expansion. More public interactions and varied scenarios could boost engagement significantly. Additionally, the absence of sound further diminishes immersion. - 65%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Immoral Stories Rebecca centers around blackmail and corruption, which should appeal to its target audience. However, the lack of consequences for choices and the brevity of sex scenes weaken the core loop's effectiveness. The game's potential to allow players to shape Rebecca's progression and appearance is intriguing and could be further explored in future updates. Side jobs and additional fetishes, could add depth to the core loop. - 66%
Story - 7.3
Graphics - 8.4
Engagement - 6.5
Core Loop - 6.6

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