Home » Futa Oasis [v1.0][Final] [Apollo Seven]

Futa Oasis [v1.0][Final] [Apollo Seven]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Gallery Mod

Gallery unlock just replace this file in the game folder delete the rpyc file and boot the game.

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The first aspect we'll focus on is the story. Futa Oasis presents a fascinating setting and lore that immediately captures your attention. The time period choice is commendable, and the art style only serves to enhance the overall immersion. However, there are some downsides. The story can be a bit confusing at times, depending on the order you interact with characters. This can disrupt the flow and understanding, which affects the overall narrative experience. - 68%
  • Visual - Moving on to visuals, Futa Oasis delights with a unique and aesthetically pleasing art style. The attention to detail is evident, and the choice of colors adds to the game's overall appeal. You'll find yourself engrossed in the well-designed characters and their distinctiveness. - 69%
  • Engagement - When it comes to engagement, Futa Oasis encounters a few hurdles. While the game offers great characters to interact with and a fun story, it often feels directionless. The pointlessness of grinding becomes evident and grows tiresome rather quickly. Additionally, the wait for sexual scenes can feel disproportionate to the amount of text you have to wade through. - 62%
  • Core Loop - Ah, the core loop, where the gameplay truly takes center stage. Herein lies the biggest downfall of Futa Oasis. The card game, which forms the core gameplay loop, unfortunately, fails to impress. Despite being well-designed and free of major flaws, it lacks the very essence of entertainment. Playing through it can easily become a chore rather than an engaging experience. - 55%
Story - 6.8
Graphics - 6.9
Engagement - 6.2
Core Loop - 5.5

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