Home » Fractured Realms [v0.2] [Virt Studios]

Fractured Realms [v0.2] [Virt Studios]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Fractured Realms, Initial impressions reveal a lack of substantial character development with the potential love interests , leading to rushed and questionable interactions. For instance, encounters with the maid and the female orc feel rushed and devoid of meaningful connection. Nonetheless, the inclusion of a feature allowing players to choose their preferred Love intrest adds a redeeming element, giving players the freedom to create their desired harem. - 71%
  • Visual - Fractured Realms boasts decent but not outstanding visuals. The renders lean slightly towards a darker side, which may affect the overall appeal for some players. The animations, while acceptable, do not reach the level of excellence found in other games. - 74%
  • Engagement - The game manages to keep players engaged to a satisfactory degree. The charm lies in the "youngish but developing" maturity of the main character, which adds an intriguing dynamic. The Love Intrest, despite their immediate attraction to the MC, possess individual traits that make them cute, lovable, and unique. The pacing of the story is generally good, allowing players to progress naturally through the game. However, the introduction of magical elements could benefit from more careful integration into the narrative, avoiding rushed implementation. These aspects, coupled with the freedom to shape the harem to one's liking, contribute to maintaining player interest. - 80%
  • Core Loop - Fractured Realms presents a promising core loop, albeit with certain reservations. The gameplay revolves around building relationships with the Love Intrest and exploring the magical realms. While the immediate infatuation of the Love Intrest can be forgiven given the harem premise, it is crucial for the game to offer meaningful character development and emotional connections as the story progresses. The successful execution of this core loop will determine the game's longevity and appeal. - 75%
Story - 7.1
Graphics - 7.4
Engagement - 8
Core Loop - 7.5

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