Home » Eyes Never Lie [v0.11] [Begul]Eyes Never Lie [v0.11] [Begul]

Eyes Never Lie [v0.11] [Begul]Eyes Never Lie [v0.11] [Begul]

Download for Windows/ Linux

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The plot of Eyes Never Lie suffers from a severe lack of coherence. It starts off as a harem school-life experience, quickly transforms into a fantasy horror, and ultimately concludes as a subpar imitation of a well-known game. The lack of consistency in the storyline leaves players feeling disconnected and uninterested. The ending is particularly frustrating, as it abruptly crushes the relationships built with female characters throughout the lengthy 6-8 hour journey. Overall, the story lacks substance and fails to engage players on a deeper level. - 55%
  • Visual - One of the highlights of Eyes Never Lie is its visuals. The game showcases well-crafted images, demonstrating the author's keen eye for interesting angles and viewpoints. However, personal preferences may come into play, as not every scene may cater to everyone's taste. While the images are generally pleasing, technical limitations imposed by the RPGMaker engine hinder the overall experience. Slow text writing takes away from the flow and immersion, and the excessive use of flashing and wobble effects in scenes becomes tiresome and overbearing. Despite these flaws, the visual presentation is a commendable aspect of the game. - 69%
  • Engagement - Eyes Never Lie struggles to hold players' interest for a prolonged period. The lack of coherence in the story, combined with the aimless progression from place to place, often leaves players feeling disengaged and unenthusiastic. The game feels more like a collection of gameplay ideas than a cohesive, well-executed experience. Despite the disappointing narrative and pacing, the game does have its moments, especially with the seductive H-scenes that primarily revolve around "smell" fetishes. It is in these moments that some players may find engagement, but it should be noted that the strength lies solely in the adult content rather than the overall gameplay. - 58%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Eyes Never Lie falls short of delivering a satisfying gameplay experience. The repetitive nature of scenes, marked by excessive flashing and wobble effects, quickly becomes monotonous and tiring. The inability to skip these scenes only adds to the frustration. Additionally, technical issues inherent to the RPGMaker engine, such as the lack of instant text and rollback functionality, restrict the game's potential. The core loop fails to provide the necessary variety and enjoyable mechanics to keep players engaged and invested in the game. - 47%
Story - 5.5
Graphics - 6.9
Engagement - 5.8
Core Loop - 4.7

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