Home » Damsels and Dungeons [v1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered] [Amaraine]

Damsels and Dungeons [v1.18.2 Final + v1.2.4 Remastered] [Amaraine]

Download for Windows/ Linux - v1.18.2 Final

Download for Windows/ Linux - v1.2.4 Remastered

Download for Mac - v1.2.4 Remastered

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Mod - v1.18.2 Final


Unzip the contents of the .zip file and copy to your game folder. Pick replace when prompted to do so


Ver 1.16
-Fixed an issue where Felicity would continue to run away every day. Game never reset her happiness after she runs off the first time.
-Fixed an issue where the dreams spells would stop working. Game incorrectly referenced “girl” instead of “char”
-Dreams spells will now work on girls even if they have the corrupted trait
-Fixed an issue where girls who are dismissed while being assigned as a manager would still show as the manager. Game removed the girls from the managers list, but never unassigned them from being the building’s manager.

View Cheats

  • Gold: gold=Y
  • Mana: mana=Y
  • Crystals: crystals=Y
  • Attention: attention=Y
  • Day: day=Y
  • Strength: roster[X].str=Y
  • Dexterity: roster[X].dex=Y
  • Constitution: roster[X].con=Y
  • Intelligence: roster[X].int=Y
  • Wisdom: none available.
  • Charisma: not available.
  • Sexuality: roster[X].sexuality=Y
  • Hit Points: ???
  • Spell Points: ???
  • Level: level=Y {tip: 0=1}
  • Experience: roster[X].experience=Y
  • Affection: roster[X].affection=Y
  • Lust: roster[X].lust=Y
  • Rest Days Needed: roster[X].restdays=Y
  • Alignment: good, bad or somewhere in-between?
  • Add Trait: roster[X].traits.append(“Trait”)
  • Remove Trait: roster[X].traits.remove(“Trait”)
  • Add Fetish: roster[X].fetishes.append(“Fetish”)
  • Remove Fetish: roster[X].fetishes.remove(“Fetish”)
  • Name Change: ???
  • Class Change: ???
X is character slot number (0–whatever); Y is desired amount.
The names of traits & fetishes can be found in-game using the help menu.
Make sure you type them correctly as they appear. Save beforehand. May or may not break, cause errors, and/or bug your game. To activate the config.console do one of the following. . . cast Wish, pray really hard every day for fifty years, pickpocket your neighbor’s panties, sacrifice 66 virgins, search F95 Zone’s dungeons—or edit the >00console.rpy< file in the Damsels>>>renpy>>>common folder with your finger claw thingies & Notepad—changing >False< to >True< and rolling a successful saving throw against paralyzation, poison or death magic. Then press Shift+O while in-game to open the console menu. Use at your own risk or peril. You have been painstakingly informed—so no whining! I’m not your code slave! :'(​


Not sure if traits.append works, because you can add something like: “roster[X].traits.append(“Mega Bitch”)”. . . . :evilsmile:
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - Damsels and Dungeons incorporates a storyline that piques interest from the get-go. The inclusion of sex scenes, albeit repetitive across multiple characters, adds a titillating twist. Additionally, the varying personalities of the girls from one game to another inject freshness into the narrative, preventing it from becoming mundane. However, the lack of character development and the absence of a quest log make it challenging to keep track of progress, hindering the overall storytelling experience. - 65%
  • Visual - The art style of Damsels and Dungeons is visually appealing, providing an enjoyable aesthetic experience. While it lacks diversity in outfits and positions for the girls, it stays focused on its core gameplay elements rather than visual frills. This decision highlights its RPG aspects and allows players to delve deeper into the game mechanics. - 61%
  • Engagement - During the initial hours, Damsels and Dungeons proves to be immensely entertaining. The prospect of interacting intimately with 15-20 girls adds an exciting dynamic. However, as the game progresses, encounters between days tend to become tedious, leading to a decline in engagement. The limit on the number of women and the lengthy downtime between rests contributes to a sense of monotony, ultimately dampening the overall experience. - 70%
  • Core Loop - Damsels and Dungeons showcases gameplay that is initially captivating but falls short in sustaining long-term interest. While the combat mechanics are adequately balanced, leading to a few viable combinations, the grinding required for late quests, such as Impregnate and the fetish-related objectives, becomes tiresome. The mission system, unfortunately, lacks depth, rendering it less impactful. - 60%
Story - 6.5
Graphics - 6.1
Engagement - 7
Core Loop - 6

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