Home » Cuckold’s Gym [v1.0][Final] [GeoCuck Group]

Cuckold’s Gym [v1.0][Final] [GeoCuck Group]

Download for Windows/ Linux

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The story of Cuckold's Gym is where this game falls short. It attempts to explore the niche world of netorare/interracial adult visual novels (AVN), but unfortunately, it misses the mark by a long shot. The choices within the game make almost zero sense and seem like a joke. The narrative feels hastily thrown together, lacking depth and coherence. - 38%
  • Visual - The visuals in Cuckold's Gym are one of the few redeeming factors of this game. It's evident that considerable effort went into creating attractive character renders, particularly when it comes to the primary woman of the story. The developers have succeeded in making the visuals appealing, which is key in this genre. Although the renders occasionally don't quite match the description provided in the text. - 70%
  • Engagement - Engagement is where Cuckold's Gym falls flat. With a playtime of around 10 minutes, this game doesn't make an effort to offer a fulfilling experience. It feels more like a quick fap material, catering to a cliché trope rather than striving for any meaningful engagement. It's clear that minimal effort and thought were put into this game, making it more of a cash grab attempt than a genuine creation. - 31%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Cuckold's Gym lacks creativity and fails to offer any significant depth. The limited choices within the game often feel nonsensical, adding to the overall disappointment. While the premise of the game revolves around a specific niche fantasy, the execution lacks the attention to detail and substance required to create an enjoyable loop. - 54%
Story - 3.8
Graphics - 7
Engagement - 3.1
Core Loop - 5.4

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