Home » Body Pay [Final] [Cheese Burger Studio]

Body Pay [Final] [Cheese Burger Studio]

Download for Windows

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - The story in Body Pay leaves a lot to be desired. You'll find yourself questioning the purpose behind the game's brain-dead QTE-like minigame, which you must repeat a staggering 48 times. It feels repetitive and lacks depth, almost as if it were designed for toddlers rather than experienced gamers. Despite this, the game manages to surprise with its cute logo, enjoyable music, and decent graphics. - 58%
  • Visual - Visually, Body Pay is a treat for the eyes. The art style is vibrant and colorful, capturing a whimsical atmosphere that complements the rhythm gameplay well. The character designs are unique and visually distinct, adding a touch of charm to the overall aesthetic. However, it's worth pointing out that the visuals alone cannot salvage the game from its shortcomings in other areas. - 71%
  • Engagement - Engaging with Body Pay is a mixed bag. As you progress through the routes, the game becomes more complex, offering a challenge but never reaching a level of true difficulty. The inclusion of different kinks and themes in each route does add an element of surprise, yet they are often jarring and, frankly, odd. - 61%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Body Pay centers around rhythmic minigames, which, while initially entertaining, grow stale after repeated playthroughs. The lack of variety and interactivity limits the replay value of the game. The final route, touted as the "true ending," does offer a satisfying love story and a more traditional character dynamic. - 67%
Story - 5.8
Graphics - 7.1
Engagement - 6.1
Core Loop - 6.7

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