Home » Between Two Worlds [Chapter 8] [Drooskati]

Between Two Worlds [Chapter 8] [Drooskati]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download walkthorugh Mod

  • Highlights character scores
    • After talking with the dev, those most of those scores will be dropped
  • Path information (Solo, Harem etc)
  • Foretelling of options available through certain choices
    • I tried to keep it as spoiler free as possible.
  • Shows changes in alignment
  • Highlights achievements
  • There’s currently one “minigame” where you have to move in a certain pseudo random pattern.
    This mod shows which steps are save and which aren’t.
    Iirc, it was more for fun and doesn’t have any punishment or reward, still…
  • Option to change choices
  • Option to change character scores/paths
  • Include textbox/ui mod
  • add more language support (see GitLab, if you want to contribute)
  1. Download archive
  2. Extract archive
  3. Copy content into game directory
    • The mods folder belongs into Path\To\BetweenTwoWorlds\game or
Delete the folder Path\To\BetweenToWorlds\game\mods.
You don’t need the ModCore update if the mod from 21st of July is working for you.
  • Updated ModCore to 4.2.1 for APK compatibility.
  • updated to chapter 7 content
  • updated “some code” to adapt to new Ren’Py version property changes
  • rewrote part of the older walkthrough
    • mostly removed “possible future consequences”
    • mostly removed “no consequences yet”
    • updated line numbers in old walkthrough to reflect changes in old scripts
    • corrected some mistakes
    • updated walkthrough for previously uncertain impact of choices
  • dropped file host MediaFire for now
  • because of poll results from another thread I remove my public GitLab
  • Should catch a bug, where English as the base language is looking for a translation for itself.
  • Fixed the WT in chapter 5 telling the player there are two “Minor Good Choices”.
    The orange coloured one is obviously a “Minor Evil Choice”.
    Should be fixed for English in the mod itself.
Players playing the default English version should re-download the mod. Downloading the French fix is optional, since it’s… for French.
Players playing the French version should only need to download the “WT translation fix”.

If you want to be on the save side and install both, first install the mod and than the WT translation fix!
initial release
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 6.9
Graphics - 8.3
Engagement - 6.6
Core Loop - 7

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