Home » Behind the Doom [v0.7] [UnrulyAction]

Behind the Doom [v0.7] [UnrulyAction]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 9.1
Graphics - 8.9
Engagement - 9
Core Loop - 8.8

1 Comment

  1. A game about mind control where it actually makes sense for the protagonist to be doing it instead of random 18-year-olds gaining the power out of left field. The main drawback of the game is that it is needlessly a sandbox game. I’ve been stuck moving forward three times in 6.5 hours and only got through the first 2 by clicking everywhere triggering the missing event by looking in every single area. Neither time the unsticking point was apparent either, and God only knows the fix for this current sticking (I’ve controlled every female possible including the 2 extras you get from someone else and defeated the superhero if someone wants to try and help). I’m afraid that controlling Natasha before her “sister” may be the problem, or it’s some random scene I can’t get to trigger. It’s why sandbox blows unless there’s a detailed walkthrough.

    The core loop becomes boring after awhile (it’s capture 1 or 2 women, visit, go again to question, then 3 mind control scenes turns her into a slave) as even the dev copied and pasted the dialog. There aren’t a lot of animations in the game either, just the basic headbob and thrusting, so if that’s something you really want, you won’t find it here. The renders almost seem handdrawn which fits with it being a comic book game, though the drawback is that there are only 3 body types given to the women so it gets same-y, and Doom refuses to finish inside so the finish is a single render with the different heads of the character on her.

    So why am I giving it an 8.0? I’m a Marvel nerd from way before the movies, and the story in the game fits Dr. Doom to a T. If you’re not a comic book fan though, you can pass on this one as there are much better and deeper mind control games that aren’t idiotic sandbox games where you can waste a good amount of time being stuck or clicking around not being able to do anything..


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