Home » Beasts in the Sun [Ep.1 Supporter v7] [Animo Pron]

Beasts in the Sun [Ep.1 Supporter v7] [Animo Pron]

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This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
  • Story - When it comes to the story of Beasts in the Sun, it's clear that the developer, animopron, has put some effort into creating a narrative. However, it falls short in terms of originality and depth. The storyline does have potential, but it feels rushed and lacks the necessary character development. It's a missed opportunity to engage players on a deeper level and provide a more immersive experience. - 66%
  • Visual - One area where Beasts in the Sun excels is in its visual presentation. The graphics are undeniably impressive, with high-quality textures and character models that are well-designed. The attention to detail in the visuals adds a level of realism to the scenes, making them visually appealing. Despite some shortcomings in other aspects of the game, the visual elements are one of its strongest points. - 75%
  • Engagement - Where Beasts in the Sun falls short is in providing engaging gameplay. It can be described more accurately as a scene player rather than a fully-fledged game. Interactivity is severely lacking, leaving players with limited control over the experience. The absence of options, such as controlling the speed or adding interactive elements, hinders the engagement factor. Additionally, the slow pace and lack of variety in some sequences make it feel monotonous and tedious. - 48%
  • Core Loop - The core loop of Beasts in the Sun revolves around explicit scenes and acts as the main draw for players. While this may appeal to a specific audience, it fails to offer a diverse range of experiences. The absence of foreplay, limited animation effort, and unrealistic cum effects detract from the overall quality. There is a notable lack of creativity in terms of game mechanics, resulting in a repetitive and somewhat lackluster core loop. - 39%
Story - 6.6
Graphics - 7.5
Engagement - 4.8
Core Loop - 3.9

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