Home » A Mother’s Love [Part 1-13 Plus] [OrbOrigin]

A Mother’s Love [Part 1-13 Plus] [OrbOrigin]

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Cheat & Music Mod


– a status screen
– cheating functions
– a Jukebox function (“QuickMusic”) for the music tracks
– additional game settings
– named saves
– extract the archive in a temporary folder
– replace the *.rpy-files in your game folder (…/AMothersLove…/game)
– move the extracted folders “music” and gui also into the “game” folder

see also the installation instructions in the ZIP file

This mod changes the game files! Old saves may work, but it’s not guaranteed!
Also, saves with my mod installed will maybe not work WITHOUT my mod afterwards.
As this Mod overwrites game files, other Mods/addons may also not work after installing it.

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
Story - 9.5
Graphics - 9.2
Engagement - 8.5
Core Loop - 9


  1. Here are the only 2 negatives in this game. 1)To avoid the NTR, you have to keep dating the daughter. Otherwise, she goes off and dates her completely awful history teacher. But the NTR is completely avoidable up to the 11/6/2023 update. But you do feel a little bad about dating both her and her mother, and it is really unnecessary. 2)The walkthrough is in a PDF and not in the game so you have to do quite a bit of alt-tab, and it is one of those games where you really have to have a walkthrough. But that’s it. That’s the 2 flaws in the game.

    The historian in me really wanted to give it a 0 after all of the Civil War questions are so very wrong, but the dev is clearly not American as you get a lot of the translation gobbly-gook dialogue. I do wish people would use Grammarly or maybe AI when it gets better, but you get used to wading through it. Also, if someone could explain to me how the big bad of the game can make money off of giving people cash that they get lured into spending at his places, that’d be great as that makes no sense. But again, those are meaningless quibbles.

    Nicole, the mother in the game is one of the hottest women in all the games I’ve played on here. The renders are great to the point that you really want to punch the big bad in the face as he’s quite evil-looking. The story is quite good minus that glaring hole, and when in a future chapter your character pulls the trigger and offs the big bad, that will be amazing. Because that’s where the story is going. It can only end that way with a guy like that. He’s too powerful.

    Game is 9.5/10 in my book. Definitely worth getting as it is really, really long with plenty of great scenes, and the story will suck you in.

    • waiting for more NTR


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